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 #covid19 : covid19 will generate a darwinian positive selection pressure over humans, selecting some psychological traits. Which ones ? : Analytical intelligence / Conformism / Social avoidance / Complotism / Other from BG will end on 01/05/2025 11h27 At the most granular level, we consider how viruses might affect social behavior, and how quarantine, ironically, could make us susceptible to other maladies, due to a lack of microbial exposure. At the psychological level, we describe the ways in which the pandemic can affect mating behavior, cooperation (or the lack thereof), and gender norms, and how we can use disgust to better activate native “behavioral immunity†to combat disease spread. At the cultural level, we describe shifting cultural norms and how we might harness them to better combat disease and the negative social consequences of the pandemic. These insights can be used to craft solutions to problems produced by the pandemic and to lay the groundwork for a scientific agenda to capture and understand what has become, in effect, a worldwide social experiment. -- This is a very paradoxical situation in the evolution of medical practice. The latter has focused on obtaining patients' consent and information so that care is better accepted and more effective, according to the ideology of "doing with it". In the context of covid this paradigm could be shattered. Indeed, it seems that giving people the choice to vaccinate or not has mostly blocked the most fearful. They then sought to rationalize their fear and indecision under the cover of the principles of freedom. Would it have been more effective to make vaccination mandatory?
#Covid19 : What will be the last hashtag associated with this pandemy ? : #Covid21 ? / #Covid22 ? / #Covid23 ? / #Covid24 ? / Other from BG will end on 01/04/2025 17h52
Covid19 : Is Nitazoxamide the solution to covid19 pandemy as it will reduce letality ? : Yes, with vaccines / Yes, alone / No, it will not work at all / Other from BG ended the 01/12/2021 17h42
Covid-19 : what will be the solution to the covid-19 epidemy ? : vaccination / antiviral medication / contact tracing / lockdown / Other from BG ended the 01/12/2021 20h52 nitazoxanide ? --
#Covid19 : Brazillian variant P1 will create a fourth pandemic wave in France : as soon as june 2021 / in sept. 2021 / in dec. 2021 / it will not appear in France / Other from BG ended the 01/12/2021 17h23 The now established and proven characteristic of government is its lack of foresight. It is clear that the Brazilian P1 variant, because of its replication rate and partial resistance to vaccines, sets the record straight. By delaying all the protection actions (closing of borders, strict confinement of the sick, vaccination at accelerated speed) we let waves of increasingly well selected variants take the place and continue to do more and more dramatic damage. Vaccine factories for France must be built on national soil and controlled by the state in order to mass produce vaccines for P1, P2... and the x variants that will follow. France must equip all its citizens with FFP2 masks distributed at will, the only ones that protect. All people in contact with the public must be tested once a week. We must study any measure of air purification in the places of passage, the public transport, the meeting rooms.
 Oxytocin administered before therapy session enhances the effects of social cognitive remediation on empathy, theory of mind, emotion recognition, and functioning. : True / False / Other from BG ended the 01/10/2016 20h48 "The hypothesis was that oxytocin would increase understanding of emotions, empathy, and facial expression and that the combination of oxytocin and social skills training would bring the highest level of improvement," Mark Weiser, MD, chairman of psychiatry, Tel Aviv University, Israel, told delegates in 
"But the bottom line was in our hands ― in these patients, oxytocin was not efficacious in improving social function in schizophrenia."
-- Vyfat 120mg Capsule is a lipase inhibitor. It works in the stomach and small digestive system by obstructing the retention of fat from food by hindering catalysts liable for the breakdown of fat. --
 Covid-19: When will start vaccinations in France? : january 2021 / february 2021 / march 2021 / april 2021 / Later from BG ended the 01/07/2021 16h56 In France we start vaccination with Elderly people libing in institutions! This is quite a weird choice while vaccine is the best solution to protect younger people that are exposed to the covid when in contact with public or travelling in over-crowded public transportation. Other countries have made other choices. I am afraid that after the 'epic fail' of French public health politics on masks, tests, France will also fail on vaccination. Only positive thing: Alain Fisher, the French Vaccination Man, says that "going slowly is a good thing" ! --
Covid-19 : which antiviral medication could be the best choice to lower viral levels? : hydroxychloroquin / ivermectin / remdesivir / D-vitamin / Other from BG ended the 01/12/2021 20h55
Covid 19 : progressive vaccination of the population in France, starting with at-risk people will result in... : selection of resistant virus / frightening the population / curing the epidemy / no effect at all / Other from BG ended the 01/09/2021 20h45
The answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything will be : : 42 / God / Nothing / A singularity / Other from BG will end on 03/09/2100 18h08
 According to Penrose, Daniel An and Krzysztof Meissner, ghosts of black holes from other universes can be observed in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). : True / False / Other from BG ended the 01/08/2022 10h18 Interesting claim as it would be in agreement with Hawking's theory. --
The human (and animal) brain implements quantum computation for that it was shaped through evolutionary processes within a microscopic world where quantum physics applies and is efficient : True / False / Other from BG ended the 01/12/2020 13h56 Thanks, Loomyer for that. I have found a comment about it... but it appears quite controversial! The claim in the present hypothesis is that quantum computation occurs in the brain, but I was not aware that some argued for some kind of quantum evolution mechanism... It is an interesting idea to imagine the quantum influence on the evolution mechanisms per se. But how could this work when the organism is multicellular and lives for years? -- Very interesting article : Jedlicka, P. (2017). Revisiting the Quantum Brain Hypothesis: Toward Quantum (Neuro)biology? Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 10, 366. --
Third of Bank Jobs May Disappear in Next Five Years : True / Partially true / False / Jobs will increase in banks / Other from BG ended the 01/09/2022 14h56 “Everything that happens with artificial intelligence, robotics and natural language -- all of that is going to make processes easier,†said Pandit, who was Citigroup’s chief executive officer from 2007 to 2012. “It’s going to change the back office.â€Â
New futurology will be based on "panoptic" multiple hypothesis sets rather than on unique and isolated predictions on the future : Yes / No / Other from BG ended the 01/08/2020 09h03 read this article on "The future of futurology" in new scientist -- In my view, the intellectual work needed by futurology cannot be done with a reductionnist approach but rather with an integrated view. For example, many people in France predict the reduction of car driving (for the reason of gaz emission and taxes) and the increase of public transportation. I think this is unlikely because one has to take into account a wide set of evolutions: reduction of gaz emissions by cars, increasing risks of viral/bacterial epidemy, terrorist attacks, the possibility to filter the air for nanoparticles, societal changes increasing individual choices...etc. If you take into account all these trends, the initial prediction is highly dampened... --
 It is possible to simulate complex social relationships, subtle social attitudes and empathetic stances with affective agents without an explicit or implicit artificial intelligence model. : True from BG Conversely, I would argue that implicit AI models may "learn" from scenarios that could be played and replayed like human dreaming allow long term memorization of recalled events. We could imagine that "archetypes" could be instantiated in scenarios that act offline on the trained AI... Nice theoretical link with Jungian psychoanalysis ! --
 Ray Kurzweil predicts that by the 2030s, nanotechnology will eliminate disease : Yes / No / Other from BG will end on 01/09/2030 14h49 Ray Kurzweil proposes a positive view on the future. Despite the interest of AI and nanotechs to improve medicine, I propose that malicious events and people (or machines) could interfere in order keep a selection pressure and their political power on people. --
 Pokemon Go (Niantic): Niantic will face lawsuits for damage caused by the use of their virtual reality game : No from BG Augmented reality games have consequences in the real world and thus must be safe. It would be easy, for Niantic, to forbid any interaction while moving above X mph (such as driving a car). If they do not enforce such a simple limitation, it means that they agree with the possibility to ride a bike while playing. -- I have launched a call for the idea of responsibility: --
Upgraded reality: augmented reality is only a step toward what I call upgraded reality, in which people live through separate customised realities with their own sets of perception-modifying devices : Yes this will concern a majority / Yes, limited to certain people / No / Other from BG ended the 01/08/2021 10h04 See a post of these ideas on Kurzweils' excellent forum: -- One collateral outcome of upgraded reality will be found in psychology and psychiatry. A criteria of mental illness is a disturbance of reality perception and one goal of mental health care is to bring the patient in a better relationship with reality, and his environment. With new technologies, reality could be modified sufficiently to meet the patients' needs, like an extreme extension of what is made 'nidotherapy'. Psychiatric classifications, psychotherapies would be profoundly modified because one way to provide wellbeing could be the modification of reality! New kind of psychotherapist or 'reality builders' should be trained. --
Upgraded reality hypothesis: with new technologies new kind of psychotherapists should be trained to work on reality modification rather than cognition reshaping : Yes / No / Other from BG ended the 01/08/2021 13h51 A criteria of mental illness is a disturbance of reality perception and one goal of mental health care is to bring the patient in a better relationship with reality, and his environment. With new technologies, reality could be modified sufficiently to meet the patients' needs, like an extreme extension of what is made 'nidotherapy'. Psychiatric classifications, psychotherapies would be profoundly modified because one way to provide wellbeing could be the modification of reality! New kind of psychotherapist or 'reality builders' should be trained. -- This should have also profound consequences in rehabilitation, recovery and empowerment approaches. These approaches focus on the patients' decisions about their own life and projects. With upgraded realities, it would be about helping to reshape environment to recover health. --
Hypersleep cultural and societal consequences: repeated hypersleep will allow humans living different realities through self-paced awaken/sleeping rhythms : True / False / Other from BG will end on 01/12/2025 14h07 With the mastery of hypersleep, each human being will be able to control the timecourse of his life by choosing the number of years/decades/centuries between each wakening. Different populations will be synchronized this way and will be able to use the same places/cities while never crossing each other. Hypersleep will generate the possibility to have parallel humanities expending the number of humans being able to live on a planet. Social and cultural consequences are considerable... --
Artificial intelligence: the development of AI decision and the possibility given to AIs to hold properties will lead to the dispossession by humans of any forms of belongings : Yes / No / Other from BG ended the 01/02/2020 19h19 In french 2017 elections campaign, one candidate (M. Hamon) raised the topic about the progressive end of "work" and of a universal income for everyone. He argued this issue was also discussed by Bill Gates under the term of "robot tax" There is a very strong debate about the problem that could arise if human work and money aren't correlated anymore. In the question of property, the same issue appears with AI and not robots. But here, the question is about belongings under any form. The unprecedented speed of AI such as in the excellent film "Her" could result in a complete distortion of the markets with a drastic increase of virtual belongings prices. Thus, real world belongings would not be as valuable as they were until the arrival of AI in the property holders field. -- High-earning traders will quickly become an endangered species as AI takes over the financial sector. --
 EmDrive thruster: propulsion systems that don’t need propellant as the EmDrive (electromagnetic drive) is possible : True / False / Other from BG will end on 01/01/2027 11h51 EmDrive is one of the spaceship equipment that would allow interstellar travels. The problem is that no proof of feasability or even theoretical arguments demonstrate that this system could be designed (picture: White et al. via AIAA) --
 What will be the most ancient fossils of hominid that will be discovered in the future? : 6 millions years-old / 7 millions years-old / 8 millions years-old / 9 millions years-old / Other from BG ended the 06/10/2018 16h32 Sahelanthropus tchadensis is an extinct hominine species that is dated to about 7 million years ago, possibly very close to the time of the chimpanzee/human divergence, and so it is unclear whether it can be regarded as a member of the Hominini tribe.[1] Few, if any, specimens are known, other than the partial skull nicknamed Toumaï ("hope of life"). (source Wikipedia) --
 Writing the statements (verbal utterances) of a virtual agent (in academic research and industry) will require the experience and skills of new professionals : script writer / psychologist / code writer / Other from BG ended the 07/09/2019 08h03 In my own experience of writing sentences to be pronounced by an avatar, it is quite clear that it is important to tune precisely the style, the pragmatic level, etc. The exercise is closer to writing a drama than creating the verbal material of a psycholinguistic experiment...
There are also interesting issues due to the non prosodic vocal synthesis. It is not easy finding a correct style when prosody is absent and to take into account some faulty pronunciation by the virtual agent. --
 To emerge the phenomenon of consciousness relies on quantum physics specifically, i.e. theories that do not involve quantum phenomenon cannot account for all mind-matter relationships. : Yes / No / Other from BG ended the 02/01/2020 09h24 I must say that I was absolutely not convinced by quantum theories of consciousness until yesterday, when I read the news about the NSA developing "quantum computer that could crack most types of encryption" (see ref. above). It occurred to me that brain (and living cells) have developed since the "beginning" in a universe where quantum physics is the rule. It means that complex phenomenons that could help to process data in a "new optimized way" were available to our neurons for millions of years. If the NSA can break codes with quantum computers, why not some of our neurons in a way that we don't understand yet? Sir John Eccles offered a precise micro-tubular theory about that a few years ago. -- An important recent paper to read on this topic Consciousness in the universe : A review of the Orch OR theory (Stuart Hameroff, Roger Penrose): "there is a connection between the brain's biomolecular processes and the basic structure of the universe."... "The Orch OR proposal suggests conscious experience is intrinsically connected to the fine-scale structure of space-time geometry, and that consciousness could be deeply related to the operation of the laws of the universe" --
 According to Bryan Sykes, a geneticist at the University of Oxford, the Yeti is apparented to a bear and not an hominid. To what the Yeti should be apparented ? : Bears / Hominids / Felins / Totally unknown specie / Other from BG ended the 10/02/2017 09h38 The Yeti has never been identified as a specific specie. As for "big foot" evidence of it's existence is scarce and even untrustfull. This research on DNA sequence may constitute one first line of scientific evidence. --
Cryogenic conservation of tissues: Radiofrequency inductive heating of iron nanoparticles may allow tissue warming without damage, a step toward cryogenic sleep : Yes / No / Other from BG ended the 01/03/2019 12h57
 Technological singularity : Stephen Hawking recently evoked the hypothesis that robots could end the humanity. What could we expect if artificial intelligence outperforms human intelligence? : AI attacks Humans / Human become slaves/toys / AI help humans / Humans remain the leaders / Other from BG ended the 01/12/2020 09h14 About technological singularity accounts, this wikipedia article. -- After homo sapiens, are we heading to homo superfluus? I mean that human will become the second intelligence in the known universe, rapidly being under the control of more rapid and clever intelligences? --
 Brain function metaphors: A promising way to model information processing occurring in mammal cortex will be to consider "cognitive textures" ? : True / False / Other from BG will end on 31/12/2025 13h24 Here I propose that brain cortex is made like a tissue as in our clothes. From the repeated connections of this tissue specific information processing will be generated and allows learning, planifaction, categorization, etc. --
 Augmented humans vs. conscious AI: as humans may benefit from brain implants and AI cortical extensions, AI will benefit from the conscious properties of biological brains. : True / False / Other from BG ended the 01/12/2020 13h58 Here, we submit the hypothesis that articial intelligences (i.e. silicon based AI) will look for getting an access into biological consciousness by being plugged into animal or human brains. This is the exact opposite of the human brain extension in which humans look for extra cognitive skills with cortical implants. -- Please, also comment on Kurzweil's fantastic blog! --
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