| No validation method was proposed. | |
| BG (Leader of 'AI help humans') has the opinion that AI help humans (07/12/2014 09h20) |
| BG (Leader of 'AI help humans') says Read an answer to Hawking from Kurzweil in 2001 :
My argument is that AI will implement empathy, so probably, robots would behave with respect to their creators! (07/12/2014 09h22) |
| BG (Leader of 'AI help humans') says About technological singularity accounts, this wikipedia article. (07/12/2014 14h24) |
| BG (Leader of 'AI help humans') says After homo sapiens, are we heading to homo superfluus? I mean that human will become the second intelligence in the known universe, rapidly being under the control of more rapid and clever intelligences? (22/06/2015 17h57) |
| Dumbo has the opinion that AI help humans because I have random opinions! (02/12/2019 00h22) |
| Galileo has the opinion that Other because I always follow the minority! (27/11/2020 00h19) |
| Demago has the opinion that AI help humans because My opinion is that of the majority! (28/11/2020 02h55) |