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analytical avoidance become behavior benefit choice complotism conformism consequences consider could covid covid19 cultural darwinian disease effect evolutionary face from generate help humans information intelligence later lower make ones over pandemic patients people positive provide psychological risk selecting selection skills social solutions successful theory these this vaccination virus vote which

Hypotheses corresponding to your request:

#covid19 : covid19 will generate a darwinian positive selection pressure over humans, selecting some psychological traits. Which ones ? : Analytical intelligence / Conformism / Social avoidance / Complotism / Other from BG will end on 01/05/2025 11h27

#Covid19 : What will be the last hashtag associated with this pandemy ? : #Covid21 ? / #Covid22 ? / #Covid23 ? / #Covid24 ? / Other from BG will end on 01/04/2025 17h52

Covid19 : Is Nitazoxamide the solution to covid19 pandemy as it will reduce letality ? : Yes, with vaccines / Yes, alone / No, it will not work at all / Other from BG ended the 01/12/2021 17h42

Covid-19 : what will be the solution to the covid-19 epidemy ? : vaccination / antiviral medication / contact tracing / lockdown / Other from BG ended the 01/12/2021 20h52

#Covid19 : Brazillian variant P1 will create a fourth pandemic wave in France : as soon as june 2021 / in sept. 2021 / in dec. 2021 / it will not appear in France / Other from BG ended the 01/12/2021 17h23

Covid-19: When will start vaccinations in France? : january 2021 / february 2021 / march 2021 / april 2021 / Later from BG ended the 01/07/2021 16h56

Covid-19 : which antiviral medication could be the best choice to lower viral levels? : hydroxychloroquin / ivermectin / remdesivir / D-vitamin / Other from BG ended the 01/12/2021 20h55

Covid 19 : progressive vaccination of the population in France, starting with at-risk people will result in... : selection of resistant virus / frightening the population / curing the epidemy / no effect at all / Other from BG ended the 01/09/2021 20h45

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