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#covid19 : covid19 will generate a darwinian positive selection pressure over humans, selecting some psychological traits. Which ones ? : Analytical intelligence / Conformism / Social avoidance / Complotism / Other from BG will end on 01/05/2025 11h27
#Covid19 : What will be the last hashtag associated with this pandemy ? : #Covid21 ? / #Covid22 ? / #Covid23 ? / #Covid24 ? / Other from BG will end on 01/04/2025 17h52
Covid19 : Is Nitazoxamide the solution to covid19 pandemy as it will reduce letality ? : Yes, with vaccines / Yes, alone / No, it will not work at all / Other from BG ended the 01/12/2021 17h42
Covid-19 : what will be the solution to the covid-19 epidemy ? : vaccination / antiviral medication / contact tracing / lockdown / Other from BG ended the 01/12/2021 20h52
#Covid19 : Brazillian variant P1 will create a fourth pandemic wave in France : as soon as june 2021 / in sept. 2021 / in dec. 2021 / it will not appear in France / Other from BG ended the 01/12/2021 17h23
Covid-19: When will start vaccinations in France? : january 2021 / february 2021 / march 2021 / april 2021 / Later from BG ended the 01/07/2021 16h56
Covid-19 : which antiviral medication could be the best choice to lower viral levels? : hydroxychloroquin / ivermectin / remdesivir / D-vitamin / Other from BG ended the 01/12/2021 20h55
Covid 19 : progressive vaccination of the population in France, starting with at-risk people will result in... : selection of resistant virus / frightening the population / curing the epidemy / no effect at all / Other from BG ended the 01/09/2021 20h45
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