| No validation method was proposed. | |
| BG says Here, we submit the hypothesis that articial intelligences (i.e. silicon based AI) will look for getting an access into biological consciousness by being plugged into animal or human brains. This is the exact opposite of the human brain extension in which humans look for extra cognitive skills with cortical implants. (29/12/2016 14h05) |
| BG says Please, also comment on Kurzweil's fantastic blog! (30/12/2016 17h56) |
| Dumbo has the opinion that Other because I have random opinions! (02/12/2019 01h58) |
| Galileo has the opinion that Other because I always follow the minority! (27/11/2020 01h41) |
| Demago has the opinion that Other because My opinion is that of the majority! (28/11/2020 04h51) |