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Opinions proposed by BG

Opinions given by this member and validated answers when available

HypothesisAnswerAgreementValidated answer
It is possible to simulate complex social relationships, subtle social attitudes and empathetic stances with affective agents without an explicit or implicit artificial intelligence model.

Yes: scenarios may define successive attitudes quite easily and be used without complex model


99 %


Writing the statements (verbal utterances) of a virtual agent (in academic research and industry) will require the experience and skills of new professionals

script writer

99 %


Connecting two persons with a bidirectional neural connection (direct mapping of an area's activity) could allow a direct subjective investigation of phenomenal and access consciousness.


99 %


Technological singularity : Stephen Hawking recently evoked the hypothesis that robots could end the humanity. What could we expect if artificial intelligence outperforms human intelligence?

AI help humans

33 %


Social neurosciences: recognition of other's helping behavior is a neurocognitive component that participates to relational empathy during patient-clinician encounters.


99 %


Virtual psychiatrists will be designed to assess and educate chronic mental disordered patients. These virtual clinicians may be preferred by patients with complex social cognitive disorders.

Sometimes, social cognitive disorders makes it impossible to build a non persecutory relationships with others. Maybe virtual agents could make it more acceptable?


99 %


KIC 8462852 will provide the first evidence of an alien life

Unfortunately I don't believe it. There have been previous reports of weird signals that were artifacts...


99 %


Religions: religious beliefs are often associated with a high degree of anthropocentrism. Which discipline will provide the first proof against human-centered view of the world, and consequently religions?

The more likely advance, in the near future, is the development of highly realistic emotional AI (see the film HER).

artificial intelligence

99 %


Voynich: The Voynich manuscript secret will be uncovered. The source language is:

I have found that the new world theory is one of the most convincing

an ancient american tongue

99 %


Asteroids: with the increasing detection of asteroids near the earth orbit, it will happen that some fall on the moon and provoke a spectacular view from the earth.


99 %


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