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Artificial intelligence: the development of AI decision and the possibility given to AIs to hold properties will lead to the dispossession by humans of any forms of belongings : Yes / No / Other from BG ended the 01/02/2020 19h19

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BG (Leader of 'Yes') has the opinion that Yes (06/02/2017 16h22)

BG (Leader of 'Yes') says Agents driven by artificial intelligence will obtain the possibility to hold property and goods will trade with their homologs. Economic growth will be progressively driven by AI financial decisions. Humans will only have a spectator point of view on this exponential virtual market. (06/02/2017 16h28)

BG (Leader of 'Yes') says In french 2017 elections campaign, one candidate (M. Hamon) raised the topic about the progressive end of "work" and of a universal income for everyone. He argued this issue was also discussed by Bill Gates under the term of "robot tax" There is a very strong debate about the problem that could arise if human work and money aren't correlated anymore. In the question of property, the same issue appears with AI and not robots. But here, the question is about belongings under any form. The unprecedented speed of AI such as in the excellent film "Her" could result in a complete distortion of the markets with a drastic increase of virtual belongings prices. Thus, real world belongings would not be as valuable as they were until the arrival of AI in the property holders field. (15/03/2017 10h09)

BG (Leader of 'Yes') says High-earning traders will quickly become an endangered species as AI takes over the financial sector. (28/03/2017 10h11)

Dumbo has the opinion that No because I have random opinions! (01/02/2019 00h01)

Galileo has the opinion that Other because I always follow the minority! (28/01/2020 00h10)

Demago has the opinion that No because My opinion is that of the majority! (29/01/2020 00h56)

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